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Existing Members
Membership Fees
Please click on the JOIN NOW link below to complete the application. Annual dues are $50.00 for local (non-National SHRM) members. For individuals who are members of the national SHRM organization, local WKHRMA dues are included in the national dues. All WKHRMA members and FHSU SHRM student members are invited to attend the Hays and Colby meetings at no additional cost; however, lunch is available at $13 per meal for the Hays in-person meetings.
The Chapter meets the second Wednesday of most months. Some meetings are in person and some are online. The in-person meetings take place at The Venue (Thirsty's) in Hays. Meetings typically begin at 12 p.m. and end at 1 p.m.
The presentation at each meeting helps our members stay informed about current topics in human resources and leadership. Our meetings would not be as successful without the generous support of our sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our meetings, please contact us at! We would love to partner with you!
How to Join
Please click the button below to submit our online application. Please note: in order for your membership to be processed, you must complete the online application and either be a national SHRM member or pay the local dues. You may pay local dues through PayPal here (preferred method), or mail a check to WKHRMA, PO Box 434, Hays, KS 67601. If sending a check, please include the name of the person for whom membership is being paid and indicate the payment is for membership dues.